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Autor: Calhoun, Craig J.
Rok: cop. 1994
ISBN: 9780070378797
OKCZID: 110304814
Vydání: 6th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CALHOUN, Craig J., KELLER, Suzanne Infeld, ed. a LIGHT, Donald, ed. Sociology. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1994. xxvii, 651 s.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This text, by using five key concepts (social structure, culture, power, functional integration and social action), aims to show students the diversity of sociology, while avoiding the pitfall of presenting sociology as though it were divided by competing perspectives. This approach encourages critical thinking that shows how sociologists can both share an approach and still see different dimensions of a problem. This edition emphasizes cross-cultural understanding and social issues, exploring the relationship between global and local. It shows students how international factors shape life in the US and how social action in the US shapes international issues like the drug trade or the state of the environment. A new chapter ("The Third World") gives examples of how social action is bringing about development in South Korea. A major new section on the environment discusses rain forests, air pollution and water pollution. The book aims to show how research and analysis informs the choices that people face both in everyday life and in public policy. Its focus on "visual sociology" teaches students how to look at the world around them through new eyes by presenting graphic images as a basic part of sociology. An instructor's manual is also available (0-07-037939-4).

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