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Consumer behavior : concepts and apllications

Autor: Loudon, David L.
Rok: c1993
ISBN: 9780070387676
OKCZID: 110521618
Vydání: 4th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LOUDON, David L. Consumer behavior: concepts and applications. 4th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill, c1993. xxiii, 788 s. McGraw-Hill series in marketing.



"Consumer Behaviour, 4/e", is written as an introduction to consumer behaviour for the advanced marketing student and is comprehensive and challenging enough to be used at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. It starts with a macro approach, moving in a logical progression from the societal (extremal influences) to the level of the individual, and incorporates marketing realism by emphasizing the application of concepts using questions, projects and cases for discussion and student decision making. The pedagogical elements of the text also include a list of learning objectives and opening vignettes at the start of each chapter. A highly distinctive feature of this edition is the new comprehensive chapter on Organizational Buying Behaviour which broadens the conception of the consumer to include industrial markets. The material in the chapter on cultures and subcultures has been substantially revised and expanded, and now provides more coverage than most texts. 17 and 20 cases are new and offer opportunities for extensive discussion. Also available - instructor's manual (ISBN 0-07-038768-0), test bank (0-07-038769-9) and overhead transparencies (0-07-074484-x).

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