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Content reading instruction : a communication approach

Autor: Mark William Conley
Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780075577164
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)23973921
OKCZID: 110587022

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CONLEY, Mark William. Content reading instruction: a communication approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1992, 416 s. ISBN 0-07-557716-X.


Designed for content area reading courses, this text deals with reading strategies that help students comprehend essential concepts within printed material. This course has traditionally dealt almost entirely with print-oriented subjects such as English, maths, science, and the social sciences. In addition to teaching these traditional reading comprehension strategies, this text shows students how to integrate them with other language modes (listening, speaking, writing and observing) that are used in nonprint subjects, such as music, art, foreign language, physical education, and vocational education. This use of all the language arts to comprehend essential content from all subject areas, both print and nonprint, is what most distinguishes this text. The book shows how to adapt traditional reading comprehension strategies to other language modes (speaking, listening, writing and observing) that are more applicable to nonprint-oriented subjects: music, art, foreign language, physical education and vocational education. Illustrative examples, including sample dialogues, appear throughout the book. In addition, cases illustrating instructional decision making are provided at the end of each of the teaching chapters. An instructor's manual is available.

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