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The Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament

Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9780310226956
OKCZID: 110930695

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TRENCHARD, Warren C. Complete vocabulary guide to the Greek New Testament. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, c1998. x, 340 s.


The Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament sets a new standard as the most comprehensive book of its kind. Covering the entire vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, this revision of The Student's Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament contains changes that make it more useful than ever as a benchmark vocabulary study book and reference tool. - Goodrick / Kohlenberger numbers have been added to the index, allowing fast cross-referencing to the NIV Exhaustive Concordance and the Greek-English Concordance. - The section on Principal Parts of Verbs, showing all the verbs used in the New Testament, now includes column headings on each page for greater ease of use. - The Frequency List of Words is marked with a gray edge for easy location and to define preceding and ensuing sections. - New introductions are included for each section. - The new hardcover binding offers sturdier construction and better protection.

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