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Jane Eyre

Autor: Charlotte Brontë
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780486424491
OKCZID: 110176503

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BRONTË, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Mineola: Dover Publications, c2002. iv, 422 s. Dover thrift editions.



Charlotte Brontë characterized the eponymous heroine of her 1847 novel as being "as poor and plain as myself." Presenting a heroine with neither great beauty nor entrancing charm was an unprecendented maneuver, but Brontë's instincts proved correct, for readers of her era and ever after have taken Jane Eyre into their hearts. The author drew upon her own experience to depict Jane's struggles at Lowood, an oppressive boarding school, and her troubled career as a governess. Unlike Jane, Brontë had the advantage of a warm family circle that shared and encouraged her literary pursuits. She found immediate success with this saga of an orphan girl forced to make her way alone in the world, from Lowood School to Thornfield, the estate of the majestically moody Mr. Rochester, and beyond. Unabridged republication of a standard edition.

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