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Changing Experiences of Youth (Published in association with The Open University)

Autor: Garratt, Daren.
Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780761953746
NKP-CNB: boa001-muni.000198076
OKCZID: 110341848

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GARRATT, Daren, ed., ROCHE, Jeremy, ed. a TUCKER, Stanley, ed. Changing experiences of youth. London: Sage Publications, 1997. vi, 165 p.



This innovative collection looks at the diverse experiences of young people in a multicultural society and of those who work with them. It covers a wide range of topics including:· young people's lives and experiences · services provided for young people · experiences of those who work with young people The volume is strengthened by the presentation of firsthand accounts of issues including incest, eating disorders, homelessness, racism and other forms of violence, by people who have survived and built upon these experiences. The editors believe young people are discriminated against in all forms of local and national politics, and the book aims to give young people the voice so often denied them as well as covering the perspective of workers and organizations who support young people in their battle for autonomy and respect.Changing Experiences of Youth will be an invaluable book for those training to work with young people in social work, youth and community work, education, health care and criminal justice settings, and will also be relevant to those already working with young people. It is a set book for The Open University course Working with Young People (K201).

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