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The annals of Imperial Rome

Autor: Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Michael Grant
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780140440607
OKCZID: 110120783
Vydání: 7th revised ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TACITUS, Publius Cornelius a Michael GRANT. The Annals of Imperial Rome. Repr. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1985, 455 s. Penguin Classics. History and archeology. ISBN 0-14-044060-7.


Tacitus' "Annals of Imperial Rome" recount the major historical events from the years shortly before the death of Augustus up to the death of Nero in AD 68. With clarity and vivid intensity he describes the reign of terror under the corrupt Tiberius, the great fire of Rome during the time of Nero, and the wars, poisonings, scandals, conspiracies and murders that were part of imperial life. Despite his claim that the Annals were written objectively, Tacitus' account is sharply critical of the emperors' excesses and fearful for the future of Imperial Rome, while also filled with a longing for its past glories.

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