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Autor: Ernest Ludwig Eliel, Samuel H. Wilen, Lewis N. Mander
Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780471016700
OKCZID: 110017454
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ELIEL, Ernest Ludwig. Stereochemistry of organic compounds. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons, [1994]. xv, 1267 stran. Wiley-Interscience.
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds The first fully referenced, comprehensive book on this subject in more than thirty years, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds contains up-to-date coverage and insightful exposition of all important new concepts, developments, and tools in the rapidly advancing field of stereochemistry, including: * Asymmetric and diastereoselective synthesis * Conformational analysis * Properties of enantiomers and racemates * Separation and analysis of enantiomers and diastereoisomers * Developments in spectroscopy (including NMR), chromatography, and molecular mechanics as applied to stereochemistry * Prostereoisomerism * Conceptual foundations of stereochemistry, including terminology and symmetry concepts * Chiroptical properties Written by the leading authorities in the field, the text includes more than 4,000 references, 1,000 illustrations, and a glossary of stereochemical terms.