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Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9780814326732
OKCZID: 110183396
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAVSKY, Hagit. Before catastrophe: the distinctive path of german zionism. Detroit: Leo Baeck Institute, c1996. 292 s., [12] s. fot. příl.
This book, a first attempt to analyse German Zionism in a global Zionist context, sheds new light on the role of German Zionism in the German-Jewish community. It traces the emergence of a small component of the Zionist movement which regardless of size played a distinctive part in both German-Jewish and Zionist history on the eve of World War II. Positioned strategically between East and West, German Zionism was open to influences from both sides. Although post-assimilationist, it was affected by the encounter with East European Jewry. The product was a unique form of Zionism that combined Western ideas with radical 'Palestinocentrism'.