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Saab Gripen : sweden´s 21st century multi-role aircraft

Autor: Keijsper, Gerard
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9781857801378
OKCZID: 110125781
Vydání: 1. vyd.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KEIJSPER, Gerard. Saab Gripen: sweden´s 21st century multi-role aircraft. 1. vyd. Hinckley: Midland Publishing, 2003. 144 s. Aerofax.


The Saab Gripen, first flown in 1988, entered service with the Swedish Air Force in June 1996. It represents one of the most advanced fighters in production today, and follows a distinctive line of Swedish jets including the Viggen and Draken. The Gripen is now raising particular interest in enthusiasts, as the program has become a joint SAAB/BAe Systems venture, and sales have now been made to the air forces of South Africa, and more recently to Hungary and the Czech Republic, with prospects of further sales including Poland.

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