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Rok: 1983
ISBN: 9780882078120
OKCZID: 110214941
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WALVOORD, John F, ed. a ZUCK, Roy B., ed. Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible knowledge commentary: an exposition of the scriptures. 2nd print. Wheaton: Victor Books, c1983. 991 s. New Testament edition.
5.0 / 5
(6 hlasů)
HELP FROM EXPERT SCHOLARS IN UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES• What does That verse mean? • How should I interpret this passage? • What is the significance of this word or phrase in Hebrew or Aramaic? • How do Bible-time customs help me understand the meaning of this passage? • How does the information on the author, historical background, and features of a Bible book help interpret that book?The Bible Knowledge Commentary answers these and other questions about the Scriptures, discussing all the Bible verse by verse and often phrase by phrase. In addition, maps, charts, and diagrams help you grasp the meanings of the biblical text. Unlike most others this commentary is by authors from one school - Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary - popular in style and scholarly in content - will deepen your understanding of God's written Word.The Bible Knowledge Commentary will be welcomed by a wide spectrum of Bible students, from the beginner, who will find it easy to understand and easy to use, to the advanced, who will find it consistently thorough and reliable. The readable style, combined with careful scholarship, make this a Bible study aid I and others will add to our "most-used" shelf of books. At last...a commentary we can all believe in. Sunday school teachers and many others at our church will find The Bible Knowledge Commentary extremely helpful!John F. Walvoord is Chancellor and Professor systematic Theology, Emeritus, Dallas (Texas) Theological Seminary.á He has served on the faculty since 1936 and was inaugurated as its second president in 1953.á Known worldwide for his evangelical scholarship, Dr. Walvoord has written or edited 26 books and dozens of articles for magazines and scholarly journals.á He holds two master's degrees (M.A. and Th.M.) and Dallas' Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) degree.á In 1960 Wheaton College awarded him the honorary Doctor of divinity (D.D.) degree and in 1984 Liberty University awarded him the honorary Doctor of Letters (Litt.D.) degree.Roy B. Zuck is Department Chairman and Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.á After holding editorial and administrative positions at Scripture Press for 14 years, he joined the Dallas faculty in 1973.á He has written or edited 20 books in Christian education and biblical studies, and has authored numerous magazine and journal articles.á Dr. Zuck also serves as Bibliotheca Sacra's editor.á He has earned degrees from Biola University (A.B.) and Dallas Seminary (Th.M.) and Th.D) and has done post doctoral studies at two universities.Both Dr. Walvoord and Dr. Zuck maintain an active Bible conference speaking ministry, both are experienced editors, and both serve well in the seminary classroom.á These qualities make them an ideal team for co-editing a commentary on the entire Scriptures.Dallas Theological Seminary, one of the world's largest, is recognized for its commitment to the inerrancy of the Scriptures, premillennial theology, and biblical preaching and teaching.á Founded in 1924 by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, the Seminary has more than 7,000 alumni serving the Lord as Christian leaders and workers in all 50 states and in 70 foreign countries.