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Rok: c2008
ISBN: 9783791342252
ISBN: 9783791362250
OKCZID: 110148319
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HUSSLEIN-ARCO, Agnes. Gustav Klimt und die Kunstschau 1908. Wien: Belvedere, 2008. 559 s.
The recent Klimt exhibition at Tate Liverpool lacked one of the icons of the artist’s work – The Kiss, a loan declined owing to its delicate nature. However the painting is now on view in one of the impressive series of rooms in this exhibition that recreates the original setting 100 years ago of the Kunstchau – the building created under the energy of Josef Hoffmann, Gustav Klimt, Otto Prutscher, KolomanMoser and many others, to coincide with the celebrations in Vienna for the sixtieth anniversary of Emperor Francis Joseph I’s reign – even though they were not invited to take part in the official celebrations.
Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU