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Hybels, Bill

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Hybels, Bill
Rok: 1951-
Oblast působnosti: teologové, pastoři

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Americký teolog, pastor, zakladatel Willow Creek Community Church (South Barrington, Illinois).
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Bill Hybels

William Hybels (born December 12, 1951) is the founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, one of the most attended churches in North America, with an average attendance of nearly 24,000 as of 2011. The church has been listed as the most influential church in America for the last several years in a national poll of pastors. He is the founder of the Willow Creek Association and creator of the Global Leadership Summit. Hybels is also an author of a number of Christian books, especially on the subject of Christian leadership.

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