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Autor: Keizan
Rok: 1268-1325

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Japonský zenový mistr.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR


Keizan Jōkin Chinese: 瑩山紹瑾, 1268–1325), also known as Taiso Jōsai Daishi, is considered to be the second great founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan. While Dōgen, as founder of Japanese Sōtō, is known as Highest Patriarch (高祖, kōso), Keizan is often referred to as Taiso (太祖) "Great Patriarch".Keizan and his disciples are credited with beginning the spread of Sōtō Zen throughout Japan, away from the cloistered monastic practice characteristic of Dōgen's Eihei-ji, and towards a more popular religion that appealed to all levels of Japanese society. Keizan founded several temples throughout his lifetime, most notably Yōkō-ji and Daihonzan Sōji-ji (originally founded on the Noto Peninsula and moved to Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama in 1911). Today Sōji-ji and Eihei-ji stand together as the two principal Sōtō Zen training centers in Japan.

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