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Autor: Boadt, Lawrence
Rok: ©1984
ISBN: 9780809126316
OKCZID: 110238119
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BOADT, Lawrence. Reading the Old Testament: an introduction. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, [1984]. 571 stran.
Reading the Old Testament is a clear and carefully organized introduction for contemporary readers. It is designed to guide the student of the Bible through the text and its problems, enrich their understanding of the individual biblical books, and explore the way the Bible came to be written. Reading the Old Testament combines the latest scholarship with sensitivity to religious issues and Israel's ever deepening understanding of God's ways. The author gives special attention to recent archeological discoveries in the Middle East and how these affect our understanding of the Old Testament. The book contains numerous maps, charts, and drawings. Reading the Old Testament is particularly illuminating about the way Israel's religious experience was translated into written records. No other introduction offers the same thorough treatment of the Exile and the post-exilic periods as crucial times in the formation of the Old Testament.