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Text, discourse and corpora : theory and analysis

Rok: c2007
ISBN: 9780826491718
ISBN: 9780826491725
OKCZID: 110005495

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Text, discourse and corpora: theory and analysis. London: Continuum, c2007. x, 253 s. Studies in corpus and discourse.



Corpus linguistics is often regarded as a methodology in its own right, but little attention has been given to the theoretical perspectives from which the subject can be approached. The present book contributes to filling this gap. Bringing together original contributions by internationally renowned authors, the chapters include coverage of the lexical priming theory, parole-linguistics, a four-part model of language system and language use, and the concept of local textual functions. The theoretical arguments are illustrated and complemented by case studies using data from large corpora such as the BNC, smaller purpose-built corpora, and Google searches. By presenting theoretical positions in corpus linguistics, Text, Discourse, and Corpora provides an essential overview for advanced undergraduate, postgraduate and academic readers.

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