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Paradoxes of gender

Autor: Judith Lorber
Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780300064971
OKCZID: 110016504

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LORBER, Judith. Paradoxes of gender. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994. xi, 424 s.



In this innovative book, a well-known feminist and sociologist (only use for adv. in G&S: [-who is also the founding editor of Gender & Society-] challenges our most basic assumptions about gender. Judith Lorber argues that gender is wholly a product of socialization, subject to human agency, organization, and interpretation, and that it is a social institution comparable to the economy, the family, and religion in its significance and consequences. Calling into question the inevitability and necessity of gender, she envisions a society structured for equality, where no gender, racial ethnic, or social class group is allowed to monopolize positions of power.

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