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Family secrets : acts of memory and imagination

Autor: Annette Kuhn
Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9781859844069
OKCZID: 110020217

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KUHN, Annette. Family secrets: acts of memory and imagination. New edition. New York: Verso, 2002. ix, 181 stran.



This volume is a deconstruction of photographs of the author's own childhood. As an eight-year-old, the young Annette assembled her own family album containing portraits of herself and her mother taken by her father, a keen photographer. Combining photographic and pschoanalytic criticism with memory work, Kuhn undertakes a journey into her own childhood which is heartsearchingly honest, painfully so. From the photographs on the page, she spins stories which capture the feelings of bright working-class girl struggling to come to terms with middle-class schooling, a domineering mother and a sick father. Annette Kuhn is the author of "Alien Zone and Women's Pictures" and editor of "The Woman's Companion to International Film".

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