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Contemporary Art and the Museum: A Global Perspective

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9783775719339
OKCZID: 110022011

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WEIBEL, Peter, ed. a BUDDENSIEG, Andrea, ed. Contemporary art and the museum: a global perspective. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, c2007. 254 s.



All over the world, contemporary art is moving into traditional museums, its institutionalization an ongoing proposition with swiftly evolving practices. And more than ever before, the art of the moment is being made and collected internationally. Global art production is affecting museums everywhere, even those in traditional centers of cultural influence. For international artists, the question is how to get themselves and their work to cultural centers; for their home states and museums, the question is how to assimilate globalized contemporary art and its local stars. While institutions outside the West are often also outside a crucial loop of money and influence, the increasing range of biennials--from Sao Paulo to Senegal's Dak'Art--is redrawing the map. This essay collection explores the impact of contemporary non-western art and the world's local museums. Writers include Peter Weibel of ZKM Karlsruhe and Claude Ardouin of the British Museum.

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