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Media education : literacy, learning and contemporary culture

Autor: Buckingham, David
Rok: ©2003
ISBN: 9780745628301
OKCZID: 110030357
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BUCKINGHAM, David. Media education: literacy, learning and contemporary culture. First published. Malden, MA: Polity, [2003]. xii, 219 stran.

Hodnocení: 4.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This book examines recent changes in media education and in young people’s lives, and provides an accessible set of principles on which the media curriculum should be based, with a clear rationale for pedagogic practice. David Buckingham is one of the leading international experts in the field - he has more than twenty years’ experience in media education as a teacher and researcher. This book takes account of recent changes both in the media and in young people’s lives, and provides an accessible and cogent set of principles on which the media curriculum should be based. Introduces the aims and methods of media education or 'media literacy'. Includes descriptions of teaching strategies and summaries of relevant research on classroom practice. Covers issues relating to contemporary social, political and technological developments.

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