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Radiology of the Pharynx and the Esophagus (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging) | |||||
Autor: Ekberg, O. AnotaceThis book considers in detail all aspects of radiology of the pharynx and esophagus. It covers anatomy, physiology, and examination techniques and describes all relevant disease entities. However, it also considers endoscopic and manometric aspects of interest to the radiologist. Moreover, it has a broad clinical approach, encompassing not only analysis of symptoms but also topics such as the social and mental burden of dysphagia. Interventions in the esophagus from the radiologist's and the endoscopist's points of view are also addressed. The authors are all renowned experts in their field. Although it is assumed that most readers will be radiologists, much information will be of interest to other specialists involved in the evaluation and treatment of dysphagia, including ENT surgeons, thoracic surgeons, thoracic surgeons, speech and language pathologists, phoniatricians, gastroenterologists, and neurologists. Dostupné zdroje