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A History of Christianity in India 1707-1858

Autor: Neill, Stephen
Rok: 1985
ISBN: 9780521303767
OKCZID: 110044413
Vydání: 1st publ.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NEILL, Stephen. A History of Christianity in India 1707-1858. 1st publ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 578 s. ISBN 0-521-30376-1.



This book, a sequel to Bishop Neill's A History of Christianity in India: The Beginnings to 1707, traces its subject from the death of Aurunzib to the so-called Indian Mutiny. The history of India since 1498 is of a tremendous confrontation of cultures and religions. Since 1757, the chief part in this confrontation has been played by Britain; and the Christian missionary enterprise, especially on its educational side, has had a very important role. This book depicts with admirable fairness all the various forms of Christian faith that have made contact with India. In this volume, the Indian voice in the controversy begins clearly to be heard. Bishop Neill had hoped it would be heard even more clearly in a third volume tracing the story to Independence in 1947 and the formation of the Church of South India in which he himself played so prominent a part. Unfortunately, he died before he could write it.

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