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Autor: Baggini, Julian
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780192804242
NKP-CNB: abd001-002451751
OKCZID: 110046169

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BAGGINI, Julian. Atheism: a very short introduction. First published as Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 119 stran. Very short introductions, 99.



Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterised by a rejection of values and purpose and a fierce opposition to religion. Atheism: A Very Short Introduction sets out to dispel the myths that surround atheism and show how a life without religious belief can be positive, meaningful, and moral. It also confronts the failure of officially atheist states in the Twentieth Century. The book presents an intellectual case for atheism that rests as much upon positive arguments for its truth as on negative arguments against religion.

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