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A handbook of statistical analyses using SAS

Autor: Der, Geoff
Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9781584882459
OKCZID: 110053686
Vydání: 2nd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DER, Geoff. A handbook of statistical analyses using SAS. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2002. xi, 360 s.



This essential handbook provides an introduction to the use of SAS for a variety of statistical analyses. Each chapter describes a particular technique applied to a particular data set, describes the relevant questions, gives a brief account of the methods used, details the SAS instructions needed to undertake analysis, and interprets the SAS output. Handbook of Statistical Analysis Using SAS serves as an easy introduction to using SAS for statistics and as a stepping stone to using the more comprehensive SAS manuals available. Statistical users of SAS, especially in the pharmaceutical industry and medical research, will find this book of particular interest.

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