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A notional theory of syntactic categories

Autor: Anderson, John M.
Rok: c1997
ISBN: 9780521580236
OKCZID: 110058309
Vydání: 1st pub.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ANDERSON, John M. A notional theory of syntactic categories. 1st pub. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, c1997, 352 s. Cambridge studies in linguistics, 82. ISBN 0-521-58023-4.



This book presents an innovative theory of syntactic categories and the lexical classes they define. It revives the traditional idea that these are to be distinguished notionally (semantically). The author proposes a notation based on semantic features that accounts for the syntactic behavior of classes. The book also presents a case for considering this classification--again in a rather traditional vein--to be basic to determining the syntactic structure of sentences.

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