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Water management in reservoirs

Autor: Votruba, Ladislav
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780444989338
OKCZID: 110074082

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
VOTRUBA, Ladislav a Vojtěch BROŽA. Water management in reservoirs. Přeložil Eva TURKOVÁ. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989, 444 s. Developments in water science, 33. ISBN 0-444-98933-1.



This book introduces methods for solving the technical and economic problems posed by water reservoirs, so as to ensure they have the best possible economic and social effect. The significance of reservoirs and the development of their function in water management is assessed, and they are classified according to origin and placing. Among the methods for solving the reservoir's function, both graphical and numerical procedures are described, based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. In the explanation of the supply function of the reservoirs, attention is paid to the processing of hydrological data, the respective probability distribution is assessed, the theory of stochastic processes is explained, and methods of modelling the sequence of mean annual and monthly discharges are mentioned. The demands of consumers and the reliability of water supply are analysed. All types of reservoir discharge control are presented, i.e. multi-year, annual, short-term and compensation. A solution is given for the discharge control in reservoir systems and in special cases of water management, as well as in individual reservoirs.

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