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Kinetic Anatomy, 2nd Edition (Book & CD Rom)

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780736059091
OKCZID: 110080837

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BEHNKE, Robert S. Kinetic anatomy. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, c2006. xi, 268 s.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Created expressly for those who will work in physical activity fields, the thoroughly revised and updated edition of Kinetic Anatomy continues to address how anatomy affects movementâ€"how the human body is constructed and how it movesâ€"by discussing bones, tying the bones together to make articulations, placing muscles on the bones, and observing how the joints move when the muscles contract. In addition to retaining the best features from the first edition, the new edition of Kinetic Anatomy contains the following new features: • Photos and images in a four-color format for easier visual recognition and comprehension • An instructor guide and test package that make it easier for instructors to deliver the course content to students • Additional summary tables that list articulations including type of joint, bones, ligaments, and movements • The Primal IFA Essentials CD bound into the book to provide users with a superior anatomical learning tool Kinetic Anatomy, Second Edition, encourages students to learn anatomy through hands-on experiments. The text also provides learning activities, practice questions, and suggested readings to assist in comprehension. The new edition makes it easy for future athletic trainers, physical education teachers, kinesiologists, and coaches to learn the fundamentals of anatomyâ€"and to retain their knowledge for future application in advanced courses or on the job. Part I discusses the basic concepts of anatomy while the remainder of the text is divided into sections devoted to regions of the body: the upper extremity in part II; the spinal column, pelvis, and thorax in part III; and the lower extremity in part IV. The organization of the topics is parallel to that in more advanced texts on the subject, allowing students an easy transition from the material covered in this book to higher-level courses. The thoroughly revised and updated edition of Kinetic Anatomy lays the foundation for students to learn how anatomy affects movement of the human body. Never before has learning anatomy been this easy. Kinetic Anatomy, Second Edition, is an outstanding introductory resource for those who plan to specialize in any field related to physical activity. Readers will be able to apply the knowledge from this resource as they work with, treat, and train the physically active. Interactive Anatomy CD Included! Students and instructors alike will benefit from the software program Essentials of Interactive Functional Anatomy (IFA Essentials) by Primal Pictures that is bound into this book. This learning tool allows the user to remove structures layer by layer through 11 layers (from skin to bone) with the strip-away technique. Accompanying text includes information regarding proximal and distal attachments, nerve innervation, blood supply, and primary and secondary actions. Views of any specific structure on the screen can be rotated up to 360 degrees and stopped at any point for viewing. Additionally, the live-action video option allows for observation of muscle actions during walking, standing from a sitting position, and other activities such as push-ups and sit-ups. A zoom control allows the user to zoom in for a closer look at specific details or zoom out for overall views of any structure. Every structure has related text to further define the structure being viewed. The anatomy text of IFA Essentials includes bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, retinacula, capsules, cartilage, discs, membranes, and other miscellaneous structures. The program includes detailed animations for the shoulder, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand, trunk, hip, knee, and ankle and foot. Each joint has a muscle-action analysis of each fundamental movement of every joint. IFA Essentials provides excellent learning opportunities for students of human anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics.

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