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A training course for TEFL

Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780194327107
OKCZID: 110086947
Vydání: 12th impr.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
A training course for TEFL. 12th impr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. 337 s.



Trainee and practising teachers will benefit enormously from this practical handbook. It includes: classroom techniques covering all four skills; testing; problem classes; phonetics; and syllabus design. All the topics contain practice material such as exercises, activities, and discussion points, as well as reference to existing textbooks. Suitable for both EFL and ESL, native and non-native teachers, the book makes particular reference to, and covers the syllabus of, the RSA Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English.

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