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Art in theory, 1900-2000 : an anthology of changing ideas

Rok: c2003
ISBN: 9780631227083
OKCZID: 110089929
Vydání: New ed. 1st pub. 2003

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Art in theory, 1900-2000: an anthology of changing ideas. New ed. 1st pub. 2003. Editor Charles HARRISON, editor Paul WOOD. Malden: Blackwell, c2003, 1258 s. ISBN 0-631-22708-3.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This popular anthology of twentieth-century art theoretical texts has now been expanded to take account of new research, and to include significant contributions to art theory from the 1990s. New edition of this popular anthology of twentieth-century art-theoretical texts. Now updated to include the results of new research, together with significant contributions from the 1990s. Includes writings by critics, philosophers, politicians and literary figures. The editors provide contextual introductions to 340 texts. Complements Art in Theory 1648-1815 and Art in Theory 1815-1900 to create a complete survey of the theories underpinning the development of art in the modern period.

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