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Games for Vocabulary Practice. Interactive Vocabulary Activities for All Levels

Autor: Felicity O'Dell, Katie Head
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780521006514
OKCZID: 110091133

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
O'DELL, Felicity. Games for vocabulary practice: interactive vocabulary activities for all levels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 120 s. Cambridge copy collection.



Games for Vocabulary Practice is a photocopiable teacher's resource book containing a selection of more than 50 games and activities for classroom use. There are 18 units and each is based around a carefully selected topic area. Every unit offers teachers three independent activities for use with elementary, intermediate or upper-intermediate/advanced classes. Each activity consists of clear step-by-step instructions and a photocopiable page for students, thus providing instant supplementary material for busy teachers. This book enables students to practise key vocabulary in an enjoyable way through a range of fun games and activities. The vocabulary areas covered in the book are all commonly found in courses, making the activities easy to slot into a lesson.

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