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Sociology of higher education : contributions and their contexts

Autor: Patricia J. Gumport
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780801886157
OKCZID: 110096271

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GUMPORT, Patricia J., ed. Sociology of higher education: contributions and their contexts [elektronický zdroj]. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2007. xii, 382 p.



In this volume, Patricia Gumport and other leading scholars examine the sociology of higher education as it has evolved since the publication of Burton Clark's foundational article in 1973. They trace diverse conceptual and empirical developments along several major lines of specialization and analyze the ways in which wider societal and institutional changes in higher education have influenced this vital field of study.In her own chapters, Gumport identifies the factors that constrain or facilitate the field's development, including different intellectual legacies and professional contexts for faculty in sociology and in education. She also considers prospects for the future legitimacy and vitality of the field.Featuring extensive reviews of the literature, this volume will be invaluable for scholars and students of sociology and higher education.

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