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World directory of medical schools

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9789241500104
OKCZID: 110096728
Vydání: 7th ed

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Světová zdravotnická organizace. World directory of medical schools. 7th ed. Geneva: WHO, 2000. XIV, 441 s.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



A country-by-country directory of 1642 institutions of basic medical education that have been approved by the competent national authorities in 157 countries or areas. The directory also provides information on the conditions for obtaining the license to practice medicine in an additional 14 countries or areas that do not have medical schools.Entries for individual medical schools include the year instruction started, the language of instruction, duration of the basic medical degree course, including practical training, whether the applicant is required to pass an entrance examination, and whether foreign students are eligible for admission.In this seventh edition, a systematic attempt has been made to include information on national regulations governing medical registration and the license to practice medicine and on the existence of bilateral or multilateral agreements relating to the mutual recognition of physicians' qualifications or experience. This information now appears for most countries included in the directory. The directory also provides updated information on the establishment of new medical schools.

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