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Sociology in question

Autor: Bourdieu, Pierre
Rok: ©1993
ISBN: 9780803983380
OKCZID: 110100003
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BOURDIEU, Pierre. Sociology in question. Překlad Richard. NICE. 1st pub. London: SAGE Publications, 1995. viii, 184 s. Theory, culture & society.



Pierre Bourdieu's many major works have have had a profound influence upon the development of current sociological theory and practice. Sociology in Question offers a highly accessible but challenging introduction to his ideas and their relation to other schools of thought. Through question and answer sessions, short talks and interviews over a period of years, Bourdieu brilliantly demonstrates his concern for an emancipatory sociology which communicates beyond expert circles.He explores such central questions as the moral project of sociology, the role of language in both society and the social sciences, and the reproduction of inequality. In doing so, he also presents his own analysis of issues such as the development of `taste', cultural competence and linguistic capital, sports culture and the socially constituted use of the body, racism and euphemization, haute couture, magic and the sacred, and the cultural constructions of music and artistic production.Both a fascinating insight into Bourdieu's thought and a cogent defence of sociology, the book makes essential reading for scholars and students of sociology, social theory, cultural studies, anthropology, education, and urban studies.

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