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Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780435286347
NKP-CNB: cba001-m0095485
OKCZID: 110103144

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
VINCE, Michael. Highlight: intermediate : workbook. Oxford: Heinemann International, 1992. 94 s.



Winner of the English Speaking Union's Duke of Edinburgh Book Competition in 1992, this intermediate and upper-intermediate ELT course has as one of its objectives the encouragement of student participation by inviting opinion and discussion. The organization of the individual units is designed to ensure that students and teachers can see immediately what they are doing and why. The materials consist of student's books, teacher's books, workbooks and cassettes. Each teacher's book includes the whole of the corresponding student's book, with facing-page teaching notes, photocopiable progress tests and tapescripts. The workbooks provide reinforcement exercises and progress tests.

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