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freytag&berndt Athen 1:12 000 -

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9783707904819
OKCZID: 110103263

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Athen: Athens = Athénes = Atene = Athene = Athenas = Athina = Athinai = Athén. Wien: Freytag & Berndt, 2006. ISBN 3-7079-0481-4.



Great transportation detail, clarity and multilingual legend and labels make Freytag & Berndt, Austria's premier map publishers, a great product for either the traveler or the armchair traveler. On one side is the main city-plan with highway, surface-street and small roads clearly labeled. On the reverse are smaller inset maps detailing the downtown or primary 'tourist' areas, along with metro overviews and regional maps showing where Athens is located within Greece. The map is completely indexed and updated biennially.

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