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Geographic Information Science: Third International Conference, GI Science 2004 Adelphi, MD, USA, October 20-23, 2004 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Autor: Egenhofer, Max J.
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9783540235583
OKCZID: 110104041

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
EGENHOFER, Max J., ed., FREKSA, C., ed. a MILLER, Harvey J., ed. Geographic information science: third international conference, GIScience 2004, Adelphi, MD, USA, October 20-23, 2004 : proceedings. Berlin: Springer, c2004. viii, 343 s. Lecture notes in computer science, 3234.



This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Intrenational Conference on Geographic Information Secience, GIScience 2004, held in Adelphi, MD, USA in October 2004. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from ______ submissions. Among the topics addressed are knowledge mapping, geo-self-organizing maps, space syntax, geospatial data integration, geospatial modeling, spatial search, spatial indexing, spatial data analysis, mobile ad-hoc geosensor networks, map comparison, spatiotemporal relations, ontologies, and geospatial event modeling.  

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