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The ESRI guide to GIS analysis. Volume 2, Spatial measurements & statistics

Autor: Andy Mitchell
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781589481169
OKCZID: 110107442

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MITCHELL, Andy. The ESRI guide GIS analysis. 1st ed. Redlands: ESRI Press, c2005. vi, 238 s.



Backed by the collective knowledge and experience of the world's leading Geographic Information Systems (GIS) company, the concepts and methods presented in this volume will allow users to unleash the full analytic power of their GIS. The most commonly used spatial statistical tools are described in detail along with their applications in a range of disciplines, from crime analysis to habitat conservation. GIS users will learn how features are distributed, how to analyze the pattern created by the features, and how to determine the relationships between them. Four general statistical concepts are discussed, including testing statistical significance, defining spatial neighborhoods and weights, and using statistics with spatial data. Advice on determining which statistical tool to use in a given situation is also provided.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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