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Handling sin : confession in the Middle Ages

Rok: c1998
ISBN: 9780952973416
ISBN: 9781903153482
OKCZID: 110107898

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BILLER, Peter, ed. a MINNIS, A. J., ed. Handling sin: confession in the Middle Ages. Rochester: York Medieval Press, c1998. x, 219 s. York studies in medieval theology , 2.


Penance, confession and their texts (penitential and confessors' manuals) are important topics for an understanding of the middle ages, in relation to a wide range of issues, from medieval social thought to Chaucer's background. These essays treat a variety of different aspects of the topic: subjects include the frequency and character of early medieval penance; the summae and manuals for confessors, and the ways in which these texts (written by males for males) constructed women as sexual in nature; William of Auvergne's remarkable writing on penance; and the relevance of confessors' manuals for demographic history. JOHN BALDWIN's major study `From the Ordeal to Confession', delivered as a Quodlibet lecture, traces the appearance in French romances of the themes of a penitent's contrition, the priest's job in listening, and the application of the spiritual conseil and penitence.

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