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Memory, History, and Opposition : Under State Socialism

Autor: Rubie Sharon Watson
Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780933452879
OKCZID: 110107961

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Memory, history, and opposition under state socialism. Editor Rubie Sharon WATSON. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 1994, 210 s. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. ISBN 0-933452-87-X.



Eight anthropologists, sociologists, and historians probe the oppositional narratives created by Chinese rural intellectuals, EmigrE Croatians, and organized dissenters such as the Djilas of Yugoslavia who constructed and maintained oppositional histories in state socialist societies. Even as the creators of official history jealously guarded the right to produce historical texts, alternative histories survived and on occasion even prospered in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and China. Contestation over how the past was to be represented was never fully eradicated.

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