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The four sonyas

Autor: Páral, Vladimír
Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780945774150
OKCZID: 110108082
Vydání: 1st english-language ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PÁRAL, Vladimír. The four sonyas. 1st english-language ed. Přeložil William Edward HARKINS. North Haven: Catbird Press, 1993. 391 s.A Garrigue book.



Examining the way people manipulate and exploit each other, this novel tells of Sonya, a hotel maid who clings to a fairy-tale dream that someday a prince will come and save her. Since Sonya is young and beautiful, there are many princes who share her dream, but the princes are more like frogs, and instead of saving Sonya, they flirt with her, kidnap her, and give her mysterious directives. Dynamic and darkly comic, this novel's world is one where people will do almost anything to attain their dreams and where freedom is nothing but another fairy tale.

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