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The world almanac and book of facts 2005

Rok: c2005
ISBN: 9780886879389
OKCZID: 110108275

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
The world almanac and book of facts 2005. New York: World Almanac Books, c2005. 1008 s.



All new for 2005! The best selling almanac of all time is out with its most indispensable edition ever! In today's information driven world you need a reliable, authoritative and accessible source of information. Since 1868, The World Almanac has been that source for more than 200 million readers -- it puts a world of information in the palm of your hands. Every thing you have ever wanted to know and more is packed in this 1,000 + page book. Some features include:- New special features on Gen X, Nutrition, Education, Islam, Steroids, Future of Space Exploration, and a Summer Olympics Wrap-Up - Updated and expanded sections including noted personalities, sports, space, education, health, science, nations of the world, economy, awards, environment and consumer information- Interesting offbeat news stories and notable quotes from the past year - Detailed maps, flags and two special color photo sections highlighting the year's most dramatic news, sports, and entertainment events- Free monthly e-newsletter - The top ten news stories of 2004 and much much moreThe World Almanac is found in more homes, offices, classrooms, universities, libraries and media outlets than all other almanacs combined. Pick up a copy of The World Almanac 2005, and you'll know why.

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