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Post-colonial drama : theory, practice, politics

Autor: Helen Gilbert, Joanne Tompkins
Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9780415090247
OKCZID: 110112172

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GILBERT, Helen. Post-colonial drama: theory, practice, politics. London: Routledge, 1996. ix, 344 s.



Post-Colonial Drama is the first full-length study to address the ways in which performance has been instrumental in resisting the continuing effects of imperialism. It brings to bear the latest theoretical approaches from post-colonial and performance studies to a range of plays from Australia, Africa, Canada, New Zealand, the Caribbean and other former colonial regions. Some of the major topics discussed in Post-Colonial Drama include: * the interactions of post-colonial and performance theories * the post-colonial re-stagings of language and history * the specific enactments of ritual and carnival * the theatrical citations of the post-colonial body Post-Colonial Drama combines a rich intersection of theoretical approaches with close attention to a wide range of performance texts.

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