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First Certificate Masterclass

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780194386302
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01000997734
OKCZID: 110114319

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HAINES, Simon. First certificate masterclass: class [zvukový záznam]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, c2004. 1 zvuková deska (61:50).



First Certificate Masterclass appeals to highly motivated students. It encourages student autonomy and uses personalisation to generate ideas for Writing and Speaking. Workbook includes self study online practice test for realistic preparation. Key features: 12 units in Student's Book based on typical exam topics. Plenty of practice of all exam tasks but without overt labelling to avoid 'exam fatigue'. Detailed Do's and Don'ts and Tips on how to approach FCE tasks. A greater emphasis on vocabulary. Speaking sections use recorded models by real students. Writing Guide contains model answers and ideas for Paper 2. Tests and photocopiable activities available online. Online FCE Practice Test is available via the Workbook MultiROM. Online practice test features automatic marking and instant feedback, integrated dictionary definitions, exam tips, and more.

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