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Strafjustiz und DDR-Unrecht : Dokumentation. Band 5/1. Teilband, Rechtsbeugung

Rok: c2007
ISBN: 9783899492408
OKCZID: 110120864

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MARXEN, Klaus, ed. a WERLE, Gerhard, ed. Strafjustiz und DDR-Unrecht: Dokumentation. Berlin: de Gruyter Recht, c2007. lv, 568 s.



The fifth volume documents the criminal procedures concerning the perversion of justice through the GDR law in two volumes. The charges against former judges and public prosecutors of the GDR mostly pertained to their participation in the political criminal justice. The emphasis of the documentation also lies here. Criminal procedure inheres specific meaning in connection with the Waldheim trials and the "Aktion Rose" ["Operation Rose"] as well as the "Havemann trial". In addition perversion of justice processes concerning labor and civil law rulings of the GDR law are described. The printed law documents provide an insight into the legal problems of the criminal prosecution from legal injustice and gives historical insights on this, whose role inhered controlled justice with the oppression of non-conformist and oppositional behavior in the different development phases of the GDR.

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