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Anthropology and autobiography

Autor: Judith Okely, Helen Callaway
Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780415051897
OKCZID: 110122264

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Anthropology and autobiography. Editor Helen CALLAWAY, editor Judith OKELY. London: Routledge, 1992, 252 s. ASA Monographs, 29. ISBN 0-415-05189-4.



Anthropology and Autobiography marks the first comprehensive exploration of anthropological writings and their theoretical implications. Providing unique insights into the fieldwork materials, autobiographical writings and/or textual critiques of anthropologists, this study considers the role of the anthropologist as fieldworker and writer, examining the ways in which nationality, age, gender and personal history influence the anthropologist's behavior towards the individuals he/she observes. The contributors examine the link between their fieldwork and personal interaction among peoples in Africa, Japan, the Caribbean, Greece, Shetland, England, indigenous Australia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

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