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Computer graphics and geometric modeling : implementation and algorithms | |||||
Autor: Agoston, Max K. AnotacePossibly the most comprehensive overview of computer graphics as seen in the context of geometric modeling, this two volume work covers implementation and theory in a thorough and systematic fashion. Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling: Implementation and Algorithms covers the computer graphics part of the field of geometric modeling and includes all the standard computer graphics topics. The first part deals with basic concepts and algorithms and the main steps involved in displaying photorealistic images on a computer. The second part covers curves and surfaces and a number of more advanced geometric modeling topics including intersection algorithms, distance algorithms, polygonizing curves and surfaces, trimmed surfaces, implicit curves and surfaces, offset curves and surfaces, curvature, geodesics, blending etc. The third part touches on some aspects of computational geometry and a few special topics such as interval analysis and finite element methods. The volume includes two companion programs. Dostupné zdroje