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Alcohol - less is better : report of the WHO European Conference

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9789289013345
OKCZID: 110126178

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Alcohol - less is better: report of the WHO European Conference health, society and alcohol Paris 12-14 December 1995. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 1996, 39 s. ISBN 92-890-1334-6.



This text highlights the main discussions and conclusions of the WHO European Conference on Health, Society and Alcohol held in Paris in December 1995. The conference marked the first time that official delegations from the European Region had united behind the message that, for alcohol, "less is better". The report describes the scientific and political background of the conference, summarizes the issues discussed, and reproduces the European Charter on Alcohol. It also discusses actions that can support the Charter's five principles and ten strategies.

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