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The Spitz Master: A Parisian Book of Hours (Getty Museum Studies on Art)

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780892367122
OKCZID: 110126683

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CLARK, Gregory. The Spitz master: a Parisian book of hours. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, c2003, 98 s. Getty Museum studies on art. ISBN 0-89236-712-1.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The Spitz book of hours is one of the finest French books of hours in the collections of the Getty Museum. It is also one of the most original and inventive manuscripts painted in the International style. The Spitz Master, its primary illuminator, allows the narrative of the miniatures to fill the borders, bringing its pages alive in a fresh and engaging manner. In new art-historical research, Gregory Clark places this manuscript's vivid, even witty, imagery in the turbulent context of Parisian culture around 1420. Clark also examines the book of hours in the context of medieval culture, the book trade in Paris, and the role of Paris as an international center of illumination. The Spitz Master: A Parisian Book of Hours is the first study devoted entirely to the manuscript and reproduces all the book's glowing miniatures in full color. It will serve as a lively introduction to the Spitz Hours for scholars and the general public alike.

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