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Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change

Rok: 1985
ISBN: 9780500273586
OKCZID: 110127031

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PAPANEK, Victor J. Design for the real world: human ecology and social change. 2nd ed. completely rev. London: Thames and Hudson, 1997, c1984. xxi, 394 s.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This is a completely revised second edition of Design for the Real World, which has since its first appearance twenty years ago, become a classic. Translated into twenty-three languages, it is one of the world's most widely read books on design. In this revised edition, Victor Papanek examines the attempts by designers to combat the tawdry, the unsafe, the frivolous, the useless product, once again providing a blueprint for sensible, responsible design in this world, which is deficient in resources and energy.

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