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Egyptian art

Autor: Málek, Jaromír
Rok: c1999
ISBN: 9780714836270
OKCZID: 110129998
Vydání: 1st publ.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MÁLEK, Jaromír. Egyptian art. 1st publ. London: Phaidon, c1999. 447 s. Art & ideas.



Ancient Egyptian art has an enduring fascination. From the geometrical precision of the great pyramids at Giza to the golden treasures found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, the products of the Egyptian civilization attract and intrigue. Far from being art work in the modern sense, they represent the concrete expression of a profound belief in the primacy of the Egyptian way of life and the continuation of the spirit in the afterlife. This comprehensive book traces Egyptian art from its origins in prehistoric times through the supreme achievements of the pharaohs to the Roman period. Placing the works of art in their historical, geographical and spiritual context, Jaromir Malek seeks to create a more complete and realistic view of this fascinating culture. Beyond the period of ancient Egyptian art itself, Malek traces the history of Egyptology and looks at the influence of Egypt on modern art, a topic which has so far been almost completely ignored. Through its wealth of illustrations, this book reveals the immense variety and superb quality of the objects and buildings that have survived from ancient Egypt.

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